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    Teach Your Child to Be a Graceful Loser

    Updated at July 27th, 2024


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    From video games to spelling bees, board games to sports, there will be many opportunities for your child to lose a competition. What matters is how they handle being on the losing side. Help your child learn to lose with dignity and grace instead of anger and disappointment:

    1. Win or lose, teach your child to congratulate their opponent. Phrases like “great game!” or simply “congratulations” are appropriate.

    2. Provide your child with opportunities to lose – find an opportunity where they play something where he or she is bound to lose. While the game isn’t going their way, help your child learn how to keep their emotions under control.

    3. Show appreciation to your child for being a graceful loser. Offer a lot of encouragement and praise for their hard work even if they lost, but they completed the game with their head held high.

    4. Remind your child that your love and respect doesn’t depend on a win or a loss. Remember to share that you appreciate a graceful loser as much as you appreciate a respectful winner.

    5. If you’re present for the game or competition, be aware of your behavior from the stands or sidelines. Your child will pick up on your emotions and actions with respect to a win or a loss, so set a good example for being a sore loser.